Sunday 1 December 2013

The Things We Do For Podenco Love

Everyone who knows me, from my postman to my students to my friends to my wonderful podenco loving blog followers, knows that I absolutely adore my dogs. That's capital A, no question. 

What only those who know me well, know, is that there are two things that I will not leave the house without. Under. Any. Circumstances. The first is my lipstick (yes, I can hear you laughing) and the second is making sure my hair is right. Before you roll your eyes, I am a Leo, a lioness and my mane is my trademark. I'm laying my soul bare here because it's important.

So what does all this have to do with podencos ?

It's simple. Southern Spain has already seen snow and temperatures below zero and the winter is set to be one of the coldest on record. Snow and those temperatures are normal here in Austria and kind of quirky if you're in Alicante in a nice warm hotel. But what if you're a podenco up in the hills in a finca ? It's even colder up there and these beautiful, often underweight dogs who have been rescued by Beverley Farmer Podencos are feeling the cold. I can't let that happen. Today is December 1st and the winter is only just beginning. 

Beverley has appealed for coats and anything to keep the dogs warm but I'm determined to do my bit. You see, two of the dogs, who are now asleep in the warmth of my apartment, are podencos from Beverley. Without her and Warren, there would be no Rico and Leo and I for one, just cannot imagine my life without these two boys in it.

So, to try to raise some money for Beverley's podencos, I'm going to forego something which means a lot to me - my lion's mane. That's right. This week, my hairdresser will shave off my hair. I will do this so that the podencos can be warm. I have plenty of wooly hats for when I go outside and I'm more than willing to look like a prat for a podenco !

This will be videoed as it happens and I will post a you tube link soon thereafter.

Please Please Please, in the name of the podencos, sponsor me, don't let me look a prat for nothing and don't let these beautiful dogs be cold this winter !

Paypal :


Alex <3


  1. Alex you truly are amazing :-) Of course we will sponsor you for this great cause xx

  2. Yes I will sponsor your cause, but do you really need to shave your head to touch people's heart? Definitely admire you for it though.

  3. I agree - I'll sponsor you too but no need to shave your head. If you come up with a great design for a t-shirt for Tibetan Mastiff Rescue (in the US), I'll give 1,000 euros to Podencopower - just don't shave your head!!!!!

  4. Hi Alex. I'd rather sponsor you NOT to shave your lovely hair off..... :)

  5. Ok ladies, I think I need to explain something here. I'm very very touched by your offers to let me keep my hair (Martha I've friend requested you on FB) but there is a method to my apparent madness. If I do this, people local to me will ask WHY ? This is the very best platform for me to raise awareness here in Austria about the podencos. I have done this once before to raise money for Cancer Research and it kind of suits me, it's not a disaster. Besides, my hair grows very quickly. Thank you all for your concern and your support, it means more to me than you know xxx

  6. Oh dear, no need to shave your head - we will send money for coats for the Podencos without you shaving your head! Just keep writing about your lovely podencos! Lorraine


All comments are very welcome. Thank you so much for reading. Alex :)